#Start a new container - which has the same ip as Host Container docker run -it --network host kalilinux/kali-rolling #Start a container docker start Container_ID #Attach a container docker attach Container_ID ctrl+p & ctrl+q to detach from a container without killing it #Start a container in Detached mode docker run -d --network host kalilinux/kali-rolling #Start a container in bridge network #Default is bridge network docker run -dit --name test kalilinux/kali-rolling /bin/bash Bridge network = new Docker network - separate network Host = Docker Host network #Create a bridge network docker network create --driver=bridge my_bridge_network --subnet= --gateway= #Run the container in Bridge network docker run -it --name my_container --network my_bridge_network --ip ubuntu:latest
Moving Docker Container to a Different Host
#list the containers and copy the id
docker container ls
#stop the container
docker stop <Container_ID_or_name>
#Create a new image
docker commit <container_ID> <new_name:tag>
#save the image to a tar file to export
docker save -o <container_backup.tar> <Image_name>
#Push the container to a new Host
scp <container_backup.tar> root@
#Login to the new host and load the container, might take some time based on the container size
docker load -i <container_backup.tar>
#List the images, confirm your new docker container here
docker images
#Create/run the container
docker create --name kali container_backup
docker container container_id start
#create and start the container
docker run -it --name kali --hostname kali <Image_id>
#Setup auto restart
docker update --restart unless-stopped kali
#Verify restart status
docker inspect -f '{{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}' kali
#make sure docker starts on boot
sudo systemctl enable docker
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