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NTP Pentest - Port 123

NTP - Port 123

nmap -sU -sV --script "ntp* and (discovery or vuln) and not (dos or brute)" -p 123

ntpq -c readlist <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpq -c readvar <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpq -c peers <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpq -c associations <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpdc -c monlist <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpdc -c listpeers <IP_ADDRESS>
ntpdc -c sysinfo <IP_ADDRESS>

Use this script to automatically check all these commands 

#You can use any of the below commands
:config          drefid           mreadlist        readvar
addvars          exit             mreadvar         reslist
apeers           help             mrl              rl
associations     host             mrulist          rmvars
authenticate     hostnames        mrv              rv
authinfo         ifstats          ntpversion       saveconfig
cl               iostats          opeers           showvars
clearvars        kerninfo         passociations    sysinfo
clocklist        keyid            passwd           sysstats
clockvar         keytype          peers            timeout
config-from-file lassociations    poll             timerstats
cooked           lopeers          pstats           version
cv               lpassociations   quit             writelist
debug            lpeers           raw              writevar
delay            monstats         readlist 
Metasploit - Network Time Protocol (NTP) Mode 6 Scanner

use auxiliary/scanner/ntp/ntp_readvar
use auxiliary/scanner/ntp/ntp_peer_list_dos


Metasploit - Network Time Protocol Daemon Information Disclosure

#Restrict NTP mode 6 queries and Upgrade to NTP version 4.2.8p1 or later.


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